No "Buy" Domain Registration
Web Space10:34 PM 4 comments

If you are still in its early stages to try to start web hosting, using the no to buy service can minimize the costs you for trying. One is the use of a domain name for no to buy sub domain of provided by one service provider domains Domain-specific domain names from you can use for no to buy for personal interests. This post will discuss how to conduct no to buy domain registration.

But keep in mind that using a
no to buy domain name to the extent should try it. If you get serious, especially serious in the Internet business, you should have started using a domain name that you rent for a fee. This is to ensure the absence of interference for your domain usage in times to come. More about profit and loss using a no to buy domain name can you read in my post no to buy Domain: Lucky or Loss?.

Lease Domains
Sub domain. there is currently still
no to buy. However, besides., many TLD (top level domains), others that we can use, for example. Com,. Net, and. Org is indeed more general. But of course not no to buy alias paid.

We can rent a domain name paid for a minimum period of one year, if still available. The rent also varies, depending on the TLD is used. However, the rental price is inexpensive domain. For general TLD such as. Com,. Net, and. Org rents currently range in the number of Rp 100,000 per year.

You can contact the web hosting company to rent a domain name. In addition to providing web hosting services, these companies usually also provide a paid domain name registration services.

Domain Registration Steps
The following are the steps that we will do for
no to buy domain registration.

Open your browser, navigate to Front page will look like in the picture below.

Type the domain name you want in the textbox provided, for example orangebatik. Then click the Check Availability button. Its function is to check whether the domain that we are willing is still available (not to be taken by others). If still available means that we can rent.

If still available, you're lucky. If not, you should find another name which is still available. Good names are usually the best-selling and most are not available. However, if the domain name you a unique way, the chances are still available.

The following figure shows that the domain I had chosen, namely still available, so I can click the Continue button to registration for "acquiring" these domains for
no to buy for a year.

The next screen is the registration, we do the registration to If you've previously registered, fill in your username (email) and password into the fields in the following figure. If not, click Create an account now to create a new account.

Registration screen long enough to be filled, yet simple. You will be asked to fill in your name, address, email, and other data necessary for the purposes of domain registration. The following figure shows the registration screen sub domains.

Next comes the screen notification that we have succeeded in sub domains in a register, and we are required to set up sub domain to a period of 48 hours. If within this sub domain is not also set up, we'll assume cancel the registration and create sub domains are available for anyone who is interested to pick it up later.

Domain setup process was not too complicated. Click the Set button to launch the set up up the domain.

The next screen is set up the domain. Consider the following picture, which seems a bit complex. provides several options to set up the domain. I will discuss the details of each of these options in a separate post. Here I will focus on the first option: Name Server. Select Name Server if you intend to hire a web hosting to put your web files. For this option, we are required to fill in the Name Server 1 and Name Server 2 into the text box provided, as shown in the picture below:

Name Server 1 and 2 you can get from your web hosting. For example, I will take on the hosting package HebatHosting (fictional), I can contact to inquire HebatHosting channel support its nameservers.

Good Luck..!!
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About The Author Ali Bajwa Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore. Magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Facebook and Twitter


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