Creating a Text cursor followed
Web Space5:43 PM 0 comments

New post again nich make friends all. Immediately, yes friends, the steps of manufacture.


1. Login to Blogger

2. Click Layout

3. Select the Add a Gadget

4. Select the HTML / JavaScript

5. Jump paste the code below on the HTML / JavaScript friend

<script><br />//mouse<br />//Circling text trail- Tim Tilton<br />//Website:<br />//Visit for this script and more<br />function cursor_text_circle(){<br />// your message here<br />var msg='Blogweb-spacer'.split('').reverse().join('');<br /><br />var font='Verdana,Arial';<br />var size=3; // up to seven<br />var color='#ff0000';<br /><br />// This is not the rotation speed, its the reaction speed, keep low!<br />// Set this to 1 for just plain rotation w/out drag<br />var speed=.3;<br /><br />// This is the rotation speed, set it negative if you want<br />// it to spin clockwise<br />var rotation=-.2;<br /><br />// Alter no variables past here!, unless you are good<br />//---------------------------------------------------<br /><br /><br />var ns=(document.layers);<br />var ie=(document.all);<br />var dom=document.getElementById;<br />msg=msg.split('');<br />var n=msg.length;<br />var a=size*13;<br />var currStep=0;<br />var ymouse=0;<br />var xmouse=0;<br />var props="<span style="font-family:+font+;font-size:+size+;color:+color+;">";<br /><br />if (ie)<br />window.pageYOffset=0<br /><br />// writes the message<br />if (ns){<br />for (i=0; i < name="nsmsg'+i+'" top="0" left="0" height="'+a+'" width="'+a+'"><center>'+props+msg[i]+'</span></center></layer>');<br />}<br />else if (ie||dom){<br />document.write('<div id="outer" style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;z-index:30000;"><div style="position:relative">');<br />for (i=0; i < id="iemsg'+(dom&&!ie? i:'')+'" style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0;height:'+a+'px;width:'+a+'px;text-align:center;font-weight:normal;cursor:default">'+props+msg[i]+'</span></div>');<br />document.write('</div></div>');<br />}<br />(ns)?window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE):0;<br /><br />function Mouse(evnt){<br />ymouse = (ns||(dom&&!ie))?evnt.pageY+20-(window.pageYOffset):event.y; // y-position<br />xmouse = (ns||(dom&&!ie))?evnt.pageX+20:event.x-20; // x-position<br />}<br /><br />if (ns||ie||dom)<br />(ns)?window.onMouseMove=Mouse:document.onmousemove=Mouse;<br />var y=new Array();<br />var x=new Array();<br />var Y=new Array();<br />var X=new Array();<br />for (i=0; i < iecompattest="function(){" makecircle="function(){" top="iecompattest().scrollTop+'px';" i="0;" d="(ns)?document.layers['nsmsg'+i]:ie?" top="y[i]+a*Math.sin((currStep+i*1)/3.8)+window.pageYOffset-15+(ie||dom?" left="x[i]+a*Math.cos((currStep+i*1)/3.8)*2+(ie||dom?" drag="function(){" i="1;" oldonload =" window.onload;" onload =" function" onload =" drag;">

6. Replace the code that reads 'Blogweb-spacer' with a choice of Friends

7. Save

8. Completed
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About The Author Ali Bajwa Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore. Magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Facebook and Twitter


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