My Message for Life Would Better More.
Unknown11:13 PM 0 comments

I give you 4,
Then Life would better more,

    yeah,that sound exciting when someone tell you things about good and make your life better. I feel that too. Also,someone who tells their experience of something that happens in past and that sounds great around your ears.
Well, maybe this list i have here is not so much as the pro, but sometimes good things doesn't come form the pro,right?

Let me bring down that 4 :

1. Wake up morning and do deep breathing.
    I usually do this. It feels great having an outside air, even not a fresh air, in the morning. It will make your allday fresh. Also,see some green in front of your eyes.Grass, plant, trees maybe but if you don't have some, you can see anything green. It does refresh you eyes.

2. See optimistic.
    Wow, it sure kind of weird when someone tell you "be optimistic in your life" but he can't handle his life. But, I mean this. I have been through things. And what we call "optimistic" is a must-have "skills". Some people born wth that,but some others not. But hey, it can be learnt. Not that hard, just try to see not what it looks like now, but try to see waht it can be someday.

3. Believe at reciprocal law
    What you give is what you get. That sounds not cool but eventually, it did happen. People is doing what you do to them. So, be good to other. Maybe people you treat good doesn't do good for you. But believe this, God is seeing you and the world know more than human, who is good and bad. It's a mirror.

4. Share you knowledge with others
    You should do this, I tell you. It make you feel good, alive and fun. Not only you but also people who you share with. Almost never bad feeling come when you share good things with other. Don't be some lonely guy, just keep your life on it's way to be. ALIVE!!!

    Live your life like it mean to be enjoy.
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