How To Write Scripts / Code In Blog Article
Web Space11:51 AM 0 comments

To write the script / code into your blog article there is the technique itself, because if we write it in the usual way then that will appear later in the blog is not like what we write. For example like this, if we write the code <head&gt; in the usual way then the result will not appear in the post because the code can be directly translated into HTML. So to write the code <head>, then that should be written down so I could come this code is &lt:head&gt:. Ok. than what if there is a lot of code that should we post?

Want to know how to write code / script into the blog?

There are several ways to write the code into your blog, among others, namely:

First way:
- Use web design software, Macromedia Dreamwaver example, Microsoft Frontpage, Namao Web Editor. Or it could also softwares like post2blog blogtools etc.
- To write all the code in the areas of design, then copy the code from the HTML code area. area codes in the HTML code that must be posted.

Second way:
- Write down all the code / script into the notepad
- Then change / replace the following code :

Replacement Code

- Alredy know how replacing in notepad? way by selecting the edit menu -> then replace the box that appears enter the code that will be direplace in the "Find what" pengantinya then enter the code in the "Replace with" continue to press the Replace All button.
- When it's all just copy all the code that you've all been direplace, hold you enter into your posts.

Third way:
- Go to this site, then input the codes you into the box provided, if you've hit the "Encode", then you will get a new script posted on the blog for you.

Thank you for visiting, I hope this post is useful to readers.
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About The Author Ali Bajwa Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore. Magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Facebook and Twitter


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